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EIPICO captures significant market share in many therapeutic areas
EIPICO 3 (Biosimilar & Biologicals)
EIPICO is ushering in a new era by enriching the Egyptian pharmaceutical sector through the localization of biological and biosimilar product manufacturing at its groundbreaking facility, EIPICO 3.
Track and Trace
EPICO has 46 manufacturing lines that operating in accordance to the latest international standards of Track, Trace & Aggregation.
Dr. Kelani: In a fruitful visit to Kazakhstan, Steps of implementing Egy Kazakh Pharmaceutical Park is deeply discussed
Top 100 Healthcare Leaders 2024
New horizons of Cooperation between EIPICO – ACDIMA and Italian pharmaceutical companies
EIPICO is raising the awareness about pharmacovigilance among medical professionals and encouraging them to report any side effects encountered with its products.
EIPICO recruits and hires high-quality, self-motivated and enthusiastic personnel after whom it cares for, as its employees, as regards their health, safety, and welfare.
EIPICO is committed to its social responsibility. It has contributed to the "100 Million Healthy Lives" National Campaign aiming at elimination of hepatitis C virus (HCV) as a public health threat.